Narrative • Production • Music Composition • Editing • Delivery
Filmmaking start to finish.
For more than a decade I have used my background in literature, film studies, creative writing, music, and art history to support local businesses, artists, and organizations through a narrative-focused style of video production. From corporate campaigns to music videos, Flicker-lit was founded on the idea that sharing the stories and missions of individuals and organizations — whose work improves the overall quality of life — is essential to helping build more vibrant and engaged communities.
Featured Client: Sunbeam Family Farm

Selected Portfolio
Featured here are a few examples of work ranging from corporate campaigns to live performance.
Hello Emerson “Church” Official Music Video
Directed & Edited by Reece Thompson
Cinematography by Josh Nowak
Story by Sam Bodary, Josh Nowak, and Reece Thompson
Hello Emerson is: Sam Bodary, Jack Doran, and Dan Siebert

Selected photography
Live events, headshots, documentation, and more.